Sayonara Dr. の配信およびダウンロード販売サービスの各リンクをひとつにまとめたリンク集を用意しました。
こちらのページにはYouTube Music、Spotify、Apple Music、Amazon Musicをはじめとする日本国内すべてのサービスのリンク19社分が含まれています。ご都合に合わせてお使いください。
We have prepared a link collection that summarizes each link of distribution and download sales services for Sayonara Dr.
This page contains links for 19 companies for all services in Japan, including YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music and so forth. Please use some services according to your convenience.
Yumeutsutsu's songs are provided to over 40 distribution and download services around the world. Since it is not possible to access overseas services from Japan, the URLs of these sites are not listed on the link collection.
The page includes the links for twitter, instagram, buttons for trial listening to the song and YouTube music video that you can watch in full. You can access from the QR code on the picture.
Please try to access the page for fun. Thank you for your always support.