昨年末にアルバムをリリースしましたが、これまでリリースした楽曲を風景写真に付けて投稿する程度しかしてこず、きちんとしたプロモーションを行ってこなかったので、今回から風景写真とは別にApple Musicのアセットを利用して楽曲をSNSで少しずつ紹介していこうと始めました。
I released an album at the end of last year, but I've only posted the songs I've released so far with landscape photos on SNSes. I haven't done any proper promotion, so from this time on, I started using Apple Music assets separately from landscape photos sp as to introduce my songs little by little on such SNSes.
I have posted the above video clip on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube reels or shorts, so please take a look at them.
From now on, I would like to post introductions of such songs little by little.
Also, Yumeutsutsu's songs can be used for reels or shorts on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, so please try using them, too. Thanks.