これまでリリースしたミュージックビデオは今月15日にリリースした「Sayonara Dr.」、「この愛を胸に」、「子どもたちの未来」の3作品で本日よりこれらすべてのカラオケ対応版(オリジナル)の視聴が可能となりました。
Today, I released two music videos of my old songs for Karaoke on YouTube.
The three music videos: "Sayonara Dr." that was released on the 15th of this month, "With This Love in My Heart (Kono Ai wo Mune ni)" and "The Future for the Children (Kodomo-tachi no Mirai)" , are now available.
In both Original and Karaoke versions, it is possible for you to utilize the Romanized Japanese (Romaji) subtitles in addition to the Japanese embedded in the video. The style of the Romanized Japanese is my original notation, neither Hepburn style nor Kunrei style, so that it is easy for overseas people to sing these songs.
If you are accessible to YouTube, you can experience Karaoke with my songs all over the world, so please use them and enjoy the Karaoke! You can tap or click the video s on this blog page directly to watch them. Thanks.
#Yumeutsutsu #karaoke #sayonaradr #カラオケ #サヨナラ #ドライブ #MV #ミュージックビデオ #YouTube #Jpop #Jrock #pop #rock #ポップ #ロック