
Yumeutsutsuの楽曲の歌詞はプチリリ、Musixmatchに対応しています。/ The lyrics of Yumeutsutsu's songs are compatible with Petite Lily and Musixmatch!

左からSpotifyアプリ、プチリリアプリ、ONKYO HFアプリ

左からMusixmatchアプリ、YouTube Musicアプリ


Musixmatch WEB



2つのうち、ひとつは国内の「プチリリ」を利用しています。ストリーミングサービスではSpotifyが、アプリプレーヤーではONKYO HF Playerやプチリリプレーヤー対応しており、それぞれアプリ内で歌詞表示が可能でいずれも歌詞シンクロ対応しています。

もうひとつは海外(イタリア)の「Musixmatch」を利用しています。ストリーミングサービスではYouTube Music、アプリプレーヤーではMusixmatchプレーヤーが対応しており、こちらもそれぞれアプリ内で歌詞表示が可能でいずれも歌詞シンクロ対応しています。



そのため、昨年前半にMusixmatchに対して事情を説明し、改善のクレームを出して仕様の変更を要望していたのですが、当初は「どうすることもできない」との返事で諦めていたのですが、今年に入りMusixmatch Proの登場後少ししてから改善されたようでSayonara Dr.登録時に日本語ローマ字編集にロックがかからずこちらで編集できました。






There are several lyrics providing services for karaoke, but Yumeutsutsu's songs are registered with two lyrics providing services, and the lyrics can be viewed on various smartphone players and on the web.

Out of the two, one is "Petit Lily" as the domestic service. Its compatible streaming service is Spotify, and its compatible app players are ONKYO HF Player and PetitLily Player. They can also display lyrics within these apps, and both support lyric synchronization.

The other is "Musixmatch" as the overseas service (Italy) . Its compatible streaming service is YouTube Music, and its compatible app player is Musixmatch Player. Both can also display lyrics within the apps, and the both support lyric synchronization.

Musixmatch is a multilingual service and supports not only Japanese lyrics, but also English translation and Japanese romanization (Romanized Japanese). This is a specification that is useful for foreigners to understand the contents of Japanese and/or to practice singing in Japanese.

However, this service has many bugs. Until last year, the translation of Romanized Japanese was done by AI in the past, and it was a funny romanization that did not make sense as Japanese. To make matters worth, the AI translate into the Romanized Japanese within 5 seconds after my registering the Japanese lyrics. It was an unacceptable specification that could not be changed at all, leading to the spread of incorrect Japanese.

For that reason, I explained the situation to Musixmatch in the first half of last year, filed a complaint for improvement and requested a big change in the specifications. Firstly, the Musixmatch replied to me, "There is nothing we can do." However, it seems to have improved a little after the release of Musixmatch Pro this year.

Since it is now possible to change the Japanese romaji notation for previously registered songs that could not be changed until now, only two songs in the music video have been changed to the Romanized Japanese. But, as this change takes a lot of time, I would like to change the rest of the songs later little by little when we have more time. I would also like to add an English translation as well.

Both Petit Lily and Musixmatch are also available on the web, so please use them for karaoke as well as YouTube karaoke videos. Regarding the Petit Lily WEB version, it may be a little difficult to see because the registration of my songs has been duplicated by multiple distribution companies.

It can be used for songs other than Yumeutsutsu, so consider using them for your sake. Thanks.

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