
Lyrics Information of My Songs / 私の楽曲の歌詞情報について


You can search the lyrics of my original songs on the Internet.

"Musixmatch" and "Petit Lyrics" lyrics provider services support all my songs, so you can enjoy them very easily.
Musixmatch と プチリリ の歌詞検索サービスに対応させていますので気軽にお楽しみいただけます。

For Musixmatch, both ① Japanese lyrics, ② English translation, and ③ Romanized Japanese (Romaji) are supported; for Petit Lyrics, only Japanese is supported.
Musixmatch に関しましては ①日本語歌詞、②英訳、③日本語ローマ字表記のいずれにも対応、プチリリに関しましては日本語歌詞表示のみにしています。

It is also possible to display them on any browser, but I recommend you install the Musixmatch app on your smartphone, activate floatingLyrics ™ and play by one of the players provided by streaming services, such as Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Musixmatch, or one of such music players in your smartphone because you can display the lyrics like karaoke as the lyrics are synchronized with the playback of the songs.
ブラウザで表示させることも可能ですが、おすすめは Musixmatch アプリをスマホにインストールし、FloatingLyrics™を有効化した後に Spotify、YouTube Music、Apple Music などの配信サービス専用プレーヤーや Musixmatch アプリ内のプレーヤーなどいくつかのプレイヤーアプリを再生させることで楽曲の再生にシンクロしながら歌詞をカラオケ表示させることができます。

This lyrics providing service is very convenient, and I really like it because it can display so many lyrics of songs by even the world's famous artists. Why don't you try using it?