Autumn leaves are in full bloom in the Tokai area. I put the autumn leaves video on my music and uploaded it to YouTube, Instagram, etc. The song is "The Sky Far Away from Us (Tooku Hanareta Sora) ~Forever Never Ends~", which was released last month. Now anyone can use my songs for Instagram and Facebook posts! Visit my official homepage at
. This place is a mountain village area called Obara in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, and you can see autumn leaves and Shiki-zakura or four seasons cherry blossoms in full bloom at the same time. Toyota City is the city where the head office of famous Toyota Motor Corporation is located, but there are many beautiful and wonderful places blessed with nature other than the city area where the head office is located.
現在東海エリアは紅葉が見頃です。紅葉の動画を私の楽曲に乗せてYouTube、Instagram等にアップしました。曲は先月配信開始した「遠く離れた空 ~Forever Never Ends~」です。ようやくInstagram や Facebook にも使えるようになりました!曲の詳細は公式ホームページ をご覧ください。この場所は愛知県豊田市の小原という山村地域で秋には紅葉と四季桜という秋に満開を迎える桜が同時に見られます。豊田市はトヨタ自動車株式会社本社がある街ですが、本社のある市街地以外は自然に恵まれた美しく素敵な場所がたくさんあります。