Hi, I'm Yumeutsutsu. My new song "I Can Fly" will be relased on 26 Nov. 2021. The song will be released on major streaming sites. Its share link is https://big-up.style/2X0lRqhixn . This is a song of slow-tempo ballad describing the youth of young people who must accept gaps between human societies, swaying feelings during sensitive times and loneliness toward dreams as long as they keep chasing their dreams. "Humanbeings can't actually fly in the sky by themselves, but their souls and passions are possible to continue flying freely in their imagination."
You can buy the song file from my official shop directly, too. Also, you can buy the song files at the official shop cheaper than those sold on major download sales sites; besides, the song file attained from the official shop contain all tag data, such as jackets, lyrics and all song information in the files. Moreover, you can buy the song files of High Resolution (HiRes) quality from the official shop. The shop address is below:
SHOP Yumeutsutsu: https://yumeutsutsu.official.ec/
こんにちは、Yumeutsutsuです。 私の新曲「ICanFly」が2021年11月26日にリリースされます。この曲は主要なストリーミングサイトでリリースされます。共有リンクは https://big-up.style/2X0lRqhixn です。 夢を追い続ける限り、人間社会のギャップ、敏感な時代の揺れる想い、夢への孤独を受け入れなければならない若者の青春を描いたスローテンポのバラード曲です。「人間は実際に一人で空を飛べないけど、魂と情熱は何処へでも自由に飛んでいける。」
SHOP Yumeutsutsu: https://yumeutsutsu.official.ec/